Hahn & Kolb

8 7 9 FOR MORE DETAI LS OR PRODUCTS , PLEASE VI S I T OUR ONL INE SHOP WWW.HAHN-KOLB.COM Calibration \ Calibration for our measuring equipment DAkkS Calibration Group Calibration Group Description Area of application for calibration group 30000... Ident. No. A Vernier callipers <= 200 mm 029 ○ A Vernier callipers 200 - 300 mm 031 ○ A Vernier callipers 300 - 600 mm 032 ○ A Vernier callipers 600 - 750 mm 033 ○ A Vernier callipers 750 - 1000 mm 034 ○ A Vernier callipers 1000 - 2000 mm 155 ○ AA Thread limit plug gauges <= 3 mm 092 ○ AA Thread limit plug gauges 3 - 50 mm 093 ○ AA Thread limit plug gauges 50 - 100 mm 094 ○ AB Thread gauge rings AB 2.5 - 3 mm 097 ○ AB Thread gauge rings AB 3 - 50 mm 098 ○ AB Thread gauge rings AB 50 - 100 mm 099 ○ AB Thread gauge rings AB 100 - 200 mm 101 ○ AC Gauging rings and setting rings 2 - 3 mm 070 ○ AC Gauging rings and setting rings 3 - 50 mm 071 ○ AC Gauging rings and setting rings 50 - 100 mm 072 ○ AC Gauging rings and setting rings 100 - 250 mm 073 ○ AD Limit plug gauges (go and no-go) 3 - 50 mm 102 ○ AD Limit plug gauges (go and no-go) 50 - 100 mm 103 ○ AD Limit plug gauges (go and no-go) 100 - 200 mm 104 ○ AE Individual test pins 1 - 10 mm 075 ○ AE Individual test pins 10 - 20 mm 077 ○ AE Test pin sets (price per test pin) 0.15 - 1 mm 074 ○ AE Test pin sets (price per test pin) 1 - 10 mm 076 ○ AF Parallel gauge blocks <= 100 mm 054 ○ AF Parallel gauge blocks 100 - 200 mm 058 ○ AF Parallel gauge blocks 200 - 300 mm 060 ○ AF Parallel gauge blocks 300 - 400 mm 062 ○ AF Parallel gauge blocks 400 - 500 mm 064 ○ AJ Spring steel metre rulers, marking gauges 0 - 500 mm 160 ○ AJ Spring steel metre rulers, marking gauges - 161 ○ AJ Spring steel metre rulers, marking gauges <= 1000 mm 173 ○ AN Precision pointer micrometers <= 25 mm 005 ○ AN Precision pointer micrometers 25 - 100 mm 006 ○ AO Tape measures - 164 ○ AO Tape measures 3 - 5 m 163 ○ AS Limited groove width gauge 1 - 10 mm 088 ○ AS Limited groove width gauge 10 - 50 mm 089 ○ AS Limited groove width gauge 50 - 100 mm 090 ○ AS Limited groove width gauge 100 - 200 mm 091 ○ AT Tapered thread plug gauge/ring 3 - 50 mm 095 ○ DAkkS Calibration Group Calibration Group Description Area of application for calibration group 30000... Ident. No. AT Tapered thread plug gauge/ring 50 - 100 mm 096 ○ B Depth calliper vernier callipers <= 200 mm 035 ○ B Depth calliper vernier callipers 200 - 300 mm 036 ○ B Depth calliper vernier callipers 300 - 600 mm 037 ○ B Depth calliper vernier callipers 600 - 750 mm 038 ● B Depth calliper vernier callipers 750 - 1000 mm 039 ○ CE Dial gauge <= 3 mm 040 ○ CE Dial gauge 3 - 5 mm 041 ○ CE Dial gauge 5 - 10 mm 042 ○ CE Dial gauge 10 - 25 mm 043 ○ CE Dial gauge 25 - 30 mm 044 ○ CE Dial gauge 30 - 50 mm 045 ○ CE Dial gauge 50 - 100 mm 046 ○ CF Thickness meas- uring instruments - 150 ○ CG Flat rulers 0 - 500 mm 171 ○ CG Flat rulers 500 - 1000 mm 172 ○ D Micrometers <= 25 mm 000 ○ D Micrometers 25 - 100 mm 002 ○ D Micrometers 100 - 300 mm 003 ○ D Micrometers 300 - 500 mm 004 ○ DE Micrometer head <= 25 mm 007 ○ DE Micrometer head 25 - 50 mm 008 ○ DG Thread micrometer <= 25 mm 012 ○ DG Thread micrometer 25 - 100 mm 013 ○ DG Thread micrometer 100 - 200 mm 014 ○ DT Depth micrometer <= 100 mm 047 ○ DT Depth micrometer 100 - 200 mm 048 ○ E Setting gauges <= 50 mm 078 ○ E Setting gauges 50 - 100 mm 079 ○ E Setting gauges 100 - 200 mm 080 ○ E Setting gauges 200 - 300 mm 081 ○ E Setting gauges 300 - 400 mm 082 ○ E Setting gauges 400 - 500 mm 083 ○ H Internal microme- ters (2 point) <= 200 mm 022 ○ I Internal microme- ters (3 point) 25 - 100 mm 019 ○ I Internal microme- ters (3 point) 100 - 250 mm 021 ○ I | AC Internal microme- ters (3 point) - 136 ○ K Precision pointers <= 3 mm 009 ○ L Lever gauge probes <= 1 mm 010 ○ L Lever gauge probes 1 - 3 mm 011 ○ M Height measuring and marking devices <= 300 mm 015 ○ M Height measuring and marking devices 300 - 600 mm 016 ○ M Height measuring and marking devices 600 - 1000 mm 017 ○ M Height measuring and marking devices 1000 - 2000 mm 151 ○ Q Quick probes <= 100 mm 024 ○ Q Quick probes 100 - 200 mm 026 ○ R Protractors - 174 ○ RD Digital protractors - 165 ○ S Goniometers - 166 ○ T Internal precision measuring instru- ment (price per measuring head) <= 3 mm 167 ○ U Straight edges <= 100 mm 181 ○ U Straight edges 100 - 200 mm 182 ○ Prices: see table Calibration for our measuring equipment DAkkS Application: Many measuring and test devices are labelled with a calibration logo containing details of a calibration group. Use the table below to find and select the calibration services for your respective needs. The prices listed only apply to initial calibration of new goods. When ordering, please enter your test equip- ment followed by the calibration service: Example of order: 1x no. 31342 025 a micrometer 25–50 mm incl. Calibration Notes: Prices incl. DAkkS sticker Further measuring equipment can be calibrated on request or can be found in our online shop. www.hahn-kolb.de